Metadata Schemas

AtomCloud schema definitions and relationships.


Name: a project name entered by the user

Physical Sample

Name: a physical sample name entered by the user

Notes: freeform text containing annotations and procedure details

Target Material: an instance of Target Material

Growth Instrument: an instance of Growth Instrument

Target Material

Name: a name for the target material entered by the user

Substrate: generic string name for the substrate of the target material


Chemical Formula: stoichiometric string specifying the composition of the layer.

Space Group: 3D space group for the target lattice structure.

Orientation: miller indices normal to the film surface.

Materials Project ID: identifier for the structure in the materials project

Growth Instrument

Instrument Label: user-defined display name for the instrument

Instrument Name: name of the instrument make and model

Instrument Type: growth technique corresponding to this instrument

Serial Identifier: serial number of the instrument



Monophase, Multiphase, Heterostructure

Zone Axis

10, 01, 11, 12, 21, 22, 13, 31


Single, Poly


Islands, Steps, Layers

Last updated